Antaway Organic Anticide (35g - Approximately 100 sq.m. area coverage)
MOMs (Made Organic for Moms) is a collaboration of moms working from the healthcare field that value organic products and ingredients that is essential in taking care of our family.
ANTAWAY™ is the newest technology of MOMs to remove and eliminate ants from our households. It’s fast-action technology is precise and could last up to 6 months.
All the ingredients are organic and eco-friendly, which is mainly NEEM and ALMOND extracts. Ants are attracted to almond oil due to high concentration of protein required by their body.
As the ants approaches Antaway, the Neem extract intoxicates the ant’s senses thereby performing its action.
Roachaway Organic Roach Eliminator
ROACHAWAY™ is the perfect blend of neem and vegetable oil. Roaches are attracted to the discreet odor of vegetable oil.
When the roaches approach ROACHAWAY™, the neem extracts will then be taken or attach to the cockroach.
This will initiate a temporary satisfaction to the roaches. They will keep on eating ROACHAWAY™ until they are eliminated. The corpse of the roaches will then secrete pheromones to attract its fellow roaches which will then be eliminated also.
NOKUTO™ is the newest Japanese inspired technology of safely eliminating ticks and lice of our pets and improves the sheen of their fur. NOKUTO for dogs makes use of Aloe, Neem, Rosemary oil, Turmeric and Madre de Cacao.
Aloe and Rosemary oil contains essential vitamins like Beta carotene, vitamin E, vitamin B12, folic acid and choline. It is also rich in minerals such as copper, selenium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium and zinc. Dermal application of aloe promotes the release of natural oil of our pets to enhance the protection and condition of their fur.
Neem extracts, turmeric and madre de cacao in combination have anti-bacterial properties and produce scents that prevents tick and lice. It can also be lethal to ticks and lice for prolonged exposure. It is 100% organic and safe for pets and children.

FUR GLOW (100% All Natural Ingredients)
FUR GLOW by MOMs is uniquely formulated with the finest all natural herbal ingredients to provide the most effective protection for our pet's fur without any negative harmful effects of chemicals.
Ingredients: Neem extract, Madre de cacao, Aloe vera, Coconut oil, Moringa extract, Coconut and Palm extract, Citronella, Rose extract.
1. Aloe-vera extract - anti-bacterial properties and antifungal properties. It stimulates healing and provides better skin protection and glow of fur.
2. Neem oil extract - helps repel ticks, fleas and mites.
3. Madre de cacao - protects from ticks and skin diseases
4. Coconut extract - hydrates and revitalizes the fur and sweat glands of dogs, it also helps de-clog sebum that may cause unpleasant odors on dogs.

Available soon!
Organic Fly Eliminating Spray
A perfect blend of neem oil, olive oil and peanut oil that attracts flies and eliminates them.
Slowly eliminates flies by attracting them by giving off a delicious smell. Flyaway are safe for our cats and dogs. It is also safe for children. MOMs values highly the importance of using organic since chemicals may be harmful to our health.

Nokuto for Cats
Organic tick and flee spray from Japan. 100% safe and effective.